I have a confession to make.
I hate travelling.
Nice way of starting an entry after leaving this blog for a month aye.
Let me rephrase that.
I hate travelling because of the expenses that come with it. I mean, who doesn’t want to break away from the boring repetitive routine? I do. But still, travelling is not free. The experience comes with a price. One might argue that the adventure of stepping out to new places is going to be worth it but after seeing the miserable state of my bank account,
Flight tickets, lodging, food and all of the others expenses are not cheap so if there are ways for me to cut cost I’ll be gladly do it. So, when I get my hand on the information that Traveloka is holding a contest and will support the trip to the destination of your choice for FREE, I was ecstatic. Is this fate?
After seeing a couple of bloggers joining, some of them have been announced as the weekly winner (so jealous) I decided to join the #MyTravelokaEscapade bandwagon and see my luck in the contest.
Now, let me introduce you to the dream destination of mine.
Hint: Think, gorgeous blue sky, glorious golden sand and transparent water sea that so clear that you can see the creatures within.
When my friends here asked me which place should they visit when they come to Malaysia I would always recommend Sabah.
It’s winter now in Japan, so vacationing away at sunny, tropical places, relaxing under the shade while sipping freshly made juices by the beach would be great. Sabah, aside from being widely known for its majestic tall Mount Kinabalu, it is also famous as one of the best diving and snorkelling spot in not just South East Asia but in the world, so I will go snorkelling (no license required) and enjoy the amazing scenery of coral garden and marine animals. And finding Nemo while I’m at it.
In high school, we Malaysians learned in Geography class that Sabah is sparsely populated with many ethnic groups like Kadazan-Dusun, Bajau and Murut but their food has never reached popularity in Semenanjung (East Malaysia) area. To be honest, if you ask me to name at least one of Sabah famous dishes, none would come to mind. I have zero knowledge about Sabah local delicacies. That’s why if Travelog by chance decides to crown me the winner, I would try each ethnic groups gourmet food and eat with my heart content.
I consider myself slightly lower than average in stamina. My daily exercise only includes cycling back to back from university and home but I want to challenge myself (2017 resolution) and go way beyond my comfort zone to become a brand new me. I believe climbing the 4095m Mount Kinabalu could help me stay motivated at exercising because you need to prepare your stamina for like a month before climbing one and I could use this opportunity to shed a few kilos.
It has been a long time since I go to the local market, having a conversation with workers there and bargaining for the cheaper price using rojak slang, Malaysia’s unofficial national language. Strolling the streets and window shopping is good enough for someone who dislikes spending money like me. Usually, I would never win in this kind of competition, so please prove me wrong, Traveloka. *pleading emoji eyes*
haha tengs