2017 April Monthly Reads

I can feel infinitely alive curled up on the sofa reading a book.
― Benedict Cumberbatch

2017 In Reading | April Monthly Reads

Last week, my order of the naughtiest girl in school collection by Enid Blyton arrived. I’ve been searching for the complete series for a while and the best bet I found is from Amazon but the shipping cost is so not worth it so I opt for Book Depositary instead. I was surprised at first because they offer a free delivery service around the world *legit thought it was a scam because too good to be true.* When I opened my parcel and saw the books, I felt like I was being teleported back to my childhood days.

2017 monthly reads April reminiscing childhood memories
couldn’t resist the temptation to buy more books lol

I read my first Enid Blyton’s book when I was 9 years old.

Back then, when my family and I still lived in Gombak, we used to go to KLCC every week to play in the playground and the swimming pool there. This was 10+ years ago so I don’t know whether the swimming pool is still open to the public or not. And sometimes instead of swimming I will go to Kinokuniya bookstore and sit there browsing for a book to buy. Whoever decides to go with me to bookstores must be prepared to wait for hours because I choose my babies books carefully.#futurehusbandpleasetakenote

And at Kinokuniya, I met my first copy of TNG. It was love at first sight.

Nah, it’s not.

I’ve been walking back and forth around the children’s book section for hours until my mum came to bring me home and urge me to hurry so with only 5 minutes to spare, I just grab books in front of me and it was The Naughtiest Girl In School Book 2. I remembered reading the book and fell in love with it because one; it’s an easy read, simple, straightforward English sentences and two; the book is set in a boarding school. There’s something fascinating about boarding school and the idea of living far away from the comfort of home and family made me excited but too bad there’s this thing called internet whose relationship with me is too deep to break apart.

reading reminiscing childhood memories books

I did question my sanity of spending money on something that the adult me wouldn’t like as the books are not exactly tailored to all ages, well, I don’t think the teenage me would like it too. It’s too childish and there was quite a big generation gap that kids nowadays couldn’t relate to but there’s something comforting that I can feel from re-reading TNG. Maybe it’s the nostalgia, the memories that came flooding back because I could name a few books series that had a way better storyline and character development like Malory Towers and St Claire’s whose are also written by Blyton.

I think the only answer is to live life to the fullest while you can and collect memories like fools collect money. Because in the end, that’s all you have – happy memories.

It was funny to note that my college friends (the majority of my batchmates were from SBP and MRSM) are impressed with my knowledge of boarding schools; the evil seniors, strict warden and questionable food quality.

And I was like

it because

dun dun dun


I’d definitely made my children read these (if I could get married someday lol)

2017 april monthly reads
  1. LOL. Just know Rasya, you are not alone. I actually start ordering Harry Potter, getting TLOTR on my tbr list and actually got a collection of enid blyton stories (only I dont know where did my dad keep it, its his btw).

    But that was so nice when you have a huge knowledge about boarding school just by reading, we dont know what actually reading gonna affect our future self.. yet. 😀

    1. hahaha. my order of Harry Potter’S special edition still hasn’t arrived yet because still awaiting publication. Plus, I’ve been eyeing Sarah J Maas’s books because you and Fatina raved about it lol.

      1. The special edition will be release on May. I dont know if you also gonna receive it in two week duration as we in Malaysia like that. Arg. I think the burden on reading ACOWAR weighted a lot. Its so much to handle. I really need a good sleep on April cause there is so much anticipate book on May. huhu. Rasyaaa.. read ACOTAR & ACOMAF pleaseeeeee. 😀 hehehe.

        1. hahaha. you really make me want to read the series now. I’m the type who wouldn’t read book series that haven’t completed yet so I would wait for ACOWAR to release first and read yours and Fatina’s review. xD

  2. You made me feel the curiosity wanting to read the book!

    p/s: I think I’ll be reminded of you if I find TNG after this. Teehee.

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