2017 June Monthly Reads

Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.
― Mark Twain

2017 In Reading | June Monthly Reads2017 June Monthly Reads


Manga Classics are good. I especially love Les Miserables manga adaptation because I’m too lazy to read the novel. I give Pride and Prejudice 3 stars because I found the drawing style too flowery and it’s weird that the female characters always have tears ready in their eyes. It destroyed my image of a strong, smart, independent woman of Elizabeth Bennet. I never read The Scarlet Letter before and after reading a few pages, I can already predict the ending so meh, 3 stars.

I DNF-ed The Good Earth because this book is the first book of trilogies which means that I have to find another two books of the series. I regret not making a background check on this one.


The series focused on a swoon-worthy member of the school’s football team and one plain but gorgeous girl love story. (Nice summary, lol). I’d recommend the stories for those who want a light predictable happy ending high school romance read.

Note: I heard the 3rd book in the series (Title: After The Game) would come out this August.


Cliche but sweet.


2017 June Monthly Reads

alex rider series 1

I heard that 11th book is going to be released this year so I decided to re-read this series. The only thing I remember from the series is that Alex is a teenage spy. LOL.

Previous 2017 monthly reads:

2017 june monthly reads
  1. Alex Rider macam menarik for me =) ada e-book tak? Hehe.
    Kalau buku cina tu maksudnya tulisan cina ke Rasya? Banyak jugak tu Rasya baca..

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