March And April In Retrospect

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.
― Charles Dickens, Great Expectations

2017 March & April In Retrospect


March was a roller-coaster month. I was on winter break, spent my time at home with my family, fly back to Japan during the second week for a job interview, got rejected *sob sob* a week later and took a flight on the same week to attend a job fair at Tokyo. Fuh! Just typing it made me tired.

Then April came.

March April retrospect
April In Retrospect



Last hanami in Himeji with everyone. We didn’t prepare much for food unlike the past three years *no nasi lemak or ayam goreng Joyah* but because we were together the lack of food didn’t matter much. Cough.


An impromptu plan. Had a blast eating Hotto Motto bento in the car and taking pictures like crazy.


I kindly gave my old camera to my sister because I wanted to buy a new camera lololol. Had a tough time deciding between Olympus and Canon but in the end, I chose Olympus. Yoroshiku!

March April retrospect
new camera yay!


I have officially become a night owl. My shift starts at midnight and ends the next morning. My biological clock is a mess because who on earth sleeps during daytime but the pay is good. I’m torn between money and sleep.


I went MIA from blogging because I was left feeling bitter and devastated after continuous rejection from doing job hunting. I don’t know how the process is in Malaysia but in Japan it is normal, I repeat normal to apply for jobs at 50 companies.

And the process is not simple just by sending your resume to HR and wait for the interview. First, you have to attend the mandatory companies seminar. After all the hassle going to seminar *this is where money would flow like water because the seminar’s location usually hold in big cities like Tokyo or Osaka* you send your application, an entry sheet; Japan’s version of resume where you write personal details and why you want to work here, strength and weakness etc. Then, here comes the most frightening and anxious moment in your life, the multiple levels of interview.

Summing things up, here how job hunting went in Japan.

Seminar -> Entry Sheet -> First Interview -> Second Interview -> Final Interview -> Job Offer

You can read more on job hunting process in Japan in this article. The writer did a great job explaining the process in details.

Anyway, good luck everyone! May the odds be ever in your favour!

Sometimes not getting what you want is a brilliant stroke of luck.

March April retrospect
  1. Himeji Castleeeeeeee… XD nice… wanna go visit all over the world TT^TT aiyaaaa… camna lah… ermm.. wow… job hunting.. kinda hard.. TT^TT and take care of your health tho.. 😀

    wait.. I need to but camera… ermmm for someone beginner but like to take picture.. what would you recommend tho TT^TT I don’t know anything.. 😛

    1. Thank you xD Do come visit Himeji sebab lawa sangat.

      To be honest, smartphone cameras are actually good enough already but my phone is has low battery life so bringing powerbank and all is mendokusai lol

      1. Welcome XD yups of course 😀 I will.. sebab memang teringin nak pergi sana <3

        Awwww… not mine tho… or maybe skill ambil gambar kurang.. ahahahahaha.. and yeah I don't have powerbank and keep using just for whatsapp and game.. battery life TT^TT Mwahahahahahaha rimas kan.. renyah~

        1. my phone is also used primarily to play games and listen to music lol. kejap2 kena connect dengan powerbank memang leceh. btw are you perhaps from utara?

  2. Rasya, apa beza antara Canon & Olympus? Nak tahu jugak hehe. Hmm about job mmg payah sgt, nak2 kat terengganu.
    Your blog theme, OMG! Banyak gerak2 superb comelllahh, makin xpuas nak mai blog Rasyaa. 🙂

    1. Tengok jugak jenis camera and nak guna untuk apa. I choose to buy a mirrorless camera and I want my camera to have wifi and touch screen so I pick Olympus. shaf dah beli ke camera?

      I didn’t know you live in terengganu.

      hahaha. influence sebab spring kot nak blog ceria sikit

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