NaNoWriMo Writing Challenge

I’ve always wanted to write a book. But saying it is easier than getting it done. So when I heard about NaNoWriMo writing challenge (man! it’s so hard to spell it right) I was like okay, this sounds cool. Count me in.

NaNoWriMo aka National November Writing Month is a free global program that challenges individuals to write a 50,000-word novel during the month of November. Participants exchange advice and writing tips on the NaNoWriMo website and in their own communities, where group write-ins are held in coffee shops, libraries, and living rooms.

I decided to join in the fun even though I realise that I might not reach the word count by the end of November because I have this damn impenetrable wall called

2017 Nanowrimo Writing Challenge

I have two projects lined up and both of them haven’t reached 10,000-word count. Basically, I’m behind the schedule and need a lot of catching up to make this challenge successful.


Pronunciation: Shujinkou

Meaning: protagonist, main character, hero(ine) (of a story), head of household 

I created the draft last year and decide to use this opportunity to encourage me to write more. Shujinkou centres on my experience in Japan; how did I get here, the challenge of learning Japanese et cetera. Since it was written from my point of view, the writing flow is easier compared to project No 2 because I’m just retelling my experience with more exaggerated details and dramatic phrases. Means no plot, no character build up for me to worry about.


Once Upon a Time is different. It is a novel that I created on the whim and it is written by third person point of view that has always been my weak spot.I respect authors whose have a story under their belt because thinking your storyline in the head is no big deal but to express all those details in words is a gruelling experience. Hats off to everyone!

It dawned on me that

  • my blogging style writing influences me too much that I could not write up a proper Malay sentence without adding English or KL-slang.
  • my tendency to write rhymes sentences is not suitable because it sounds lame.
  • all the words somehow ended up in 〜nya.
  • should I use ‘saya’ or ‘kau’?
  • umm, why do all the characters personality overlap with each other
  • gah! someone help me!

Where is my chocolate? I need it asap.

  1. I bet writing a book is always be a dream to each of us. Like you're producing something that will benefit others (perhaps). But procrastination will always be there when we don't even needed it. Kudos if you managed to overcome it and finished your writing. Goodluck! ?

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