I have been doing job hunting for the past two months and while preparing for the 101 cliche questions that are usually asked in a job interview, it hit me that I don’t have any dreams or goals in life.
Answering the question, I honestly don’t know.
I really don’t.
It’s a difficult question as I pride myself as someone who is a meticulous planner and totally ‘not going with the flow’ type of people but when it comes to thinking about future, I’m one clueless potato. I don’t have any specific ambitions ― who I wanted to be, whether I wanted to start my own business when I graduate or just write the book that I always wanted to write.
Growing up, I have been taught that those who failed to plan is planning to fail but when it comes to future, life taught you otherwise. It taught me that however detailed your plan is, God’s plan is the best one.
5 years ago,
I thought I had everything figured out.
5 years ago,
I wanted to become a chemical engineer because the pay yo the pay.
5 years ago,
I never imagined myself to walk away from natural sciences to liberal arts.
5 years ago,
I didn’t know that I would end up studying the Japanese language.
Thinking it through, I come to realise the reason I couldn’t answer the question mainly because I don’t even know whether I could make it alive tomorrow so how can I predict what kind of person I would be in the future? The only thing I know is that I have to work hard in constantly improving myself so when the time comes where I found my passion I would have the abilities to pursue it.
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
5 years ago, I didn’t know what I loved. 5 years ago, I was incredibly lost. 5 years ago, I had a totally different vision of what my life would be. And that’s okay. I really needed this post today. You have no idea. It’s amazing to look back and see how far we have come. It’s also amazing to imagine the future. Thank you so much.
I guess change of plan is inevitable in life 🙂
you’ll never know what’s going to happen in the future. we can only plan ahead, but He may have better plan installed for you.