100th Post Celebration Ft. Japan Planner Giveaway! (Winner Updated)

Hi guys! I’m excited to tell you that I’ve finally hit the number of 100th post with my post of 13 Rookie Blogger Mistakes To Avoid. For some bloggers, reaching the 100th post is no big deal but for me who loves to procrastinate and only publish 1 post per month over my 8 years of blogging through multiple blogs, reaching this milestone needs a call for celebration. And what does a celebration need? A Japan planner giveaway!

Japan planner giveaway


I think a lot about what should I give and whether I need to open this internationally or only for Malaysian but as you know I just quit my job in Japan and came back home last month, so giving something that is Japan-related is much more exciting.

However, by doing this, I can only open this giveaway to Malaysian because the international shipping cost is going to be expensive. Sorry, everyone. T_T


  1. A Malaysian/Malaysian resident with a valid Malaysian address.
  2. Must have a blog. Not a giveaway blog.
  3. Post an entry on the giveaway so I can keep track of the participants. p/s: Please give me your blog link on the comment *wink*

Deadline: The giveaway would end next Thursday, October 17th and I would post the gifts on the weekend. *The post office is open on the weekend, right?*

I need to post the planner asap as the planner starting month is October so if you’re the winner please give your address to me on the same weekend. Thank you!

Oh, I almost forget the best part of the giveaway. The gifts!


1 winner is going to win all of the items below by a random number generator. The idea is every participant will have their number that I’ll update on this post, Friday, October 18th.

100th Post Giveaway gifts

  1. 2 kawaii planners start from October that I bought at I forgot where in Japan. Note that this is Japan calendar so the holiday also follows Japan, not Malaysia.
  2. My favourite souvenir to bring as gifts to friends when I get back home, a box of instant Matcha=green tea.

The Participants

Thank you for everyone who joined my Japan planner giveaway! The GA officially ended last Thursday and the lucky winner is no.4 which belongs to Tiara! Please send me your address and I’ll post it to you this weekend.

Giveaway winner

Thanks again to everyone who participates! Please give them some love for their blog. *wink*

  1. Nini Hanini https://itsninisblog.blogspot.com/2019/10/japan-planner-giveaway-by-nurulrasya.html  
  2. Radhia Razali https://penselduabee.blogspot.com/2019/10/100th-post-celebration-ft-japan-planner.html
  3. Shahida https://kasihkuamani.blogspot.com/2019/10/100th-post-celebration-ft-japan-planner.html
  4. Tiara https://sweetepalhijau.blogspot.com/2019/10/giveaway-100th-post-celebration-ft.html
  5. Ain Shahirah https://nurain-syahirah.blogspot.com/2019/10/100th-post-celebration-ft-japan-planner.html
  6. Kaella http://thekaellaaaa.blogspot.com/2019/10/giveaway-100th-post-celebration-ft.html
  7. Ema Asmadi https://elmasdiary.blogspot.com/2019/10/httpsnurulrasya.html
  8. Rohana https://ibulala.blogspot.com/2019/10/100th-post-celebration-japan-planner.html
  9. Nurul https://ciknurul23.blogspot.com/2019/10/nurul-rasya-my-fav-blogger-all-time.html
  10. Farhana Jafri https://www.farhanajafri.com/2019/10/100th-post-celebration-ft-japan-planner.html
  11. Ahmad Tarmizi https://www.farhanajafri.com/2019/10/100th-post-celebration-ft-japan-planner.html
  12. Miss Band https://mulan-sahbanu.blogspot.com/2019/10/100th-post-celebration-japan-planner.html
  13. BV https://www.budakvanilla.com/2019/10/100th-post-celebration-ft-japan-planner.html
  14. Syaza https://www.syazaraihanah.com/2019/10/100th-post-celebration-japan-planner.html
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