2017 June Monthly Reads

Good friends, good books, and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.
― Mark Twain

2017 In Reading | June Monthly Reads2017 June Monthly Reads


Manga Classics are good. I especially love Les Miserables manga adaptation because I’m too lazy to read the novel. I give Pride and Prejudice 3 stars because I found the drawing style too flowery and it’s weird that the female characters always have tears ready in their eyes. It destroyed my image of a strong, smart, independent woman of Elizabeth Bennet. I never read The Scarlet Letter before and after reading a few pages, I can already predict the ending so meh, 3 stars.

I DNF-ed The Good Earth because this book is the first book of trilogies which means that I have to find another two books of the series. I regret not making a background check on this one.


The series focused on a swoon-worthy member of the school’s football team and one plain but gorgeous girl love story. (Nice summary, lol). I’d recommend the stories for those who want a light predictable happy ending high school romance read.

Note: I heard the 3rd book in the series (Title: After The Game) would come out this August.


Cliche but sweet.


2017 June Monthly Reads

alex rider series 1

I heard that 11th book is going to be released this year so I decided to re-read this series. The only thing I remember from the series is that Alex is a teenage spy. LOL.

Previous 2017 monthly reads:

2017 june monthly reads
  1. I left reading since forever. I guess I have to make this kind of post to make sure I read. Most importantly, reads it till I finished it!

    Btw, those manga classic is a new thing for me. I should realy try read some.

    // afifahaddnan

    1. Manga classic is great to those who want to try reading classics but feel intimidated with the size of book (have you seen Les Miserables novel? It’s massive and really thick lol)

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