9+ Free Digital Notebook Template And Cover For GoodNotes

I welcome you to my newly created 9+ free digital notebook template and cover for GoodNotes. Hint: It also works perfectly with other digital note-taking apps including Notability, Noteshelf and Onenote.

9+ Free Digital Notebook Template And Cover For GoodNotes

Hi everyone!

I hope you guys are healthy and not affected by the Covid-19 virus. So many new variants have emerged and now the virus symptoms are much harder to detect. In Malaysia, we’re now in a total lockdown due to the rising positive Covid-19 cases and to be honest, the lockdown is a JOKE. A JOKE.

Related: 9 Silver Linings During Lockdown To Be Thankful For

Greedy companies are still encouraging workers to go to the office and even positive cases reported are ignored, thus leads to an outbreak. But do they care?


The upper management still asked for the workers to come, and it’s not like they’ve got a choice because a lot of workers get retrenched and pay cut in this pandemic.

This pandemic is killing all of us.

I hope that with the vaccination program going on, we could fight the battle with Covid-19. All of my family members except my mother (she’s waiting for her company to give her appointment date) has got their first dose of vaccine.

Getting the vaccine gives me some sort of assurance that, at least, I’m protected a bit because I’ve seen rising cases of positive Covid-19 just from someone who only went to the grocery.

Anyway, back to the main topic, I present to you my free digital notebook template and cover for everyone. Whether you’re a student, a working adult, a mother or a digital planning lover, I hope these free PDFs would be helpful to you.

This is actually one of my way to cope with stress of juggling work and study.

9+ Free Digital Notebook Template And Cover For GoodNotes

Free Digital Notebook Template And Cover For GoodNotes

How I create it:

I created the free digital notebook template and cover with the help of Procreate app and Canva, but I think it turns out pretty well.

I’m still bad at picking colours because I tend to pick pastel colours like pink, purple, and you know, more pink. Like where are the other colours?

free digital notebook template

How to use it:

You can download all the free notebook template and cover from here. Then, simply open any of your favourite note-taking apps and import them. These PDFs are perfect for note-taking, daily/weekly/monthly planning and bullet journaling.

I created 2 layouts which are grid and line, so you can choose the layout you like more or just use both *wink*.

p/s: If you’ve any colour or layout suggestions, tell me in the comment below.

See you guys next time!

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